We are a membership organization dedicated to excellence in television by honoring exceptional work through the prestigious Emmy® Award.
We are the only professional association representing television professionals from all disciplines of the industry, serving as the common meeting ground for individuals dedicated to advancing the art and science of television. Our Chapter region serves Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Southeastern California.
Chapter President /
Rocky Mountain Emmy® Foundation President /
NATAS National Foundation Chair
First VP /
Awards Chair
Second VP /
Events Chair /
Treasurer / Foundation Treasurer
National Awards Chair
Social Media / PR Co-Chair
Education Chair
Social Media / PR Chair
Awards Vice Chair
National Board of Directors - Treasurer
Social Media / PR Vice Chair
Gold & Silver Circle & Historical Preservation Chair
Finance Committee Vice Chair
Education Vice Chair
National Chair Emeritus, Finance Committe Chair
Executive Director
The Awards Committee is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Rocky Mountain Emmy® Awards process.
From rules, to categories, to vetting entries and securing peer judges, this committee is the backbone of the awards process.
The events committee is responsible for the Rocky Mountain Emmy® Awards annual gala including nomination parties and Student Production Awards.
The committee will be responsible for the contract/planning/budget for the event.
The Social Media & PR Committee is responsible for maintaining and increasing the positive image of the Academy to its membership and the regional community.
The Social Media & PR Committee works closely with the Events Committee, Education Committee and with the Awards Committee, and will contribute to the publicity surrounding events. Website design & updates also fall under this committee.
The Social Media Committee is responsible for maintaining and increasing the positive image of the Academy to its membership and the regional community.
The Gold & Silver Circle Committee is responsible for soliciting nominees annually for induction into the Gold & Silver Circle Societies, and for reviewing and selecting the candidates. The induction is at a ceremony to be held annually (usually at the Emmy® Awards Gala).
It is recommended that Gold/Silver Circle committee members be comprised of Board members and former inductees
The committee will oversee programs and relationships that will enhance the Academy’s goal of educational leadership. These programs include professional development for our future broadcasters known as "lunch and learns."
The Historical Preservation Committee is responsible for researching and archiving the Rocky Mountain Southwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences historical data.
RMSW NATAS forms a 501c(3) to support scholarships and education
This marks the first annual Emmy® Awards Gala for the Chapter
This will eventually become the Rocky Mountain Southwest Chapter
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences is born
2013 — 2018
2006 — 2012
2005 — 2006
2001 — 2004
1997 — 1998
1995 — 1996
1993 — 1994 & 2000
1988 — 1989
1986 — 1988
1983 — 1985
1981 — 1983
1980 — 1981
1978 — 1980
1976 — 1978
1973 — 1975
1971 — 1972
1968 — 1970
1968 — 1969
1965 — 1967
1963 — 1964
1962 — 1963
1960 — 1961
1959 — 1960